Chapter 1077- Taste of answers and country ranking
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1077- Taste of answers and country ranking (Teaser)

There was a loud commotion as a motorcade arrived. These were eight modified vehicles that looked like those in Gantz. They were black bikes with riders wearing leather jackets, which looked really cool.

Behind the eight bikes was a giant caravan. The color didn’t represent its level, but the vehicle's body was painted in that color. Under the sunlight, it did look like a gold piece of equipment.

Eight bikes, similar to before, were also after the caravan. Further back were ten modified SUVs that looked really ferocious.

In the apocalypse, where there weren’t any traffic rules, this motorcade ruled the ground.

Be it Ye Zhongming or the two behind him, they weren’t people who liked to talk. Although they saw this eye-catching group charging at them, they weren’t shocked and just stood there. With their identity, it wasn’t too much for such a group to welcome them. Then… They watched as this motorcade brushed past them.

One couldn’t deny that they panicked a little.

This motorcade wasn’t for them?

Ye Zhongming felt a little awkward and