Chapter 1070- Two secrets
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1070- Two secrets (Teaser)

Ye Zhongming passed his dagger to him without any hesitation.

This shocked the three of them. After taking it with some uncertainty, their faces were filled with joy.

They didn’t know how this guy brought such a good thing in, but it wasn’t important. What was important was that this weapon belonged to them.

Their hunts would become safer and more efficient in the future. They would also get more food, and the benefits would be a chain reaction.

The guy with the two pieces of meat looked at the captain but saw him slightly shake his head.

Ye Zhongming saw their actions, but he didn’t care.

His strength would drop after he gave up his weapon. Now that it was three against one and they also had a weapon, that person was asking if they should kill Ye Zhongmingming.

Smart people cared more about their interests in the apocalypse than they did during peacetime.

This captain didn’t agree, not because he wasn’t a good person. Although Collectors had a reputation for being honest and having principles, it didn’t mean they weren’t greedy. The