Chapter 1048- White elephant that changed the situation
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1048- White elephant that changed the situation (Teaser)

Park Xiuying walked into the tent. The curtains made the battle sound softer. She knew that many people were fighting for her and dying.

She wasn’t willing to see that, but there was nothing she could do.

Teacher Park wasn’t that righteous and woke person who only knew about fairness and justice. She was a warrior with a special status.

She felt that killing to stop killing was already the most gentle evaluation of this world.

“Sister Xiuying!”

Ya Tian saw Park Xiiuying enter and called sweetly. She sat with Ya Ni. The silver zombie sister would only maintain silence like this in a world covered in gore.

She passed a candy to Park Xiuying. This was how she expressed friendliness to people. Although this lady had revived to a certain extent, she was different from other people. She was able to have this level of intelligence purely because of the equipment.

Park Xiuying shook her head and touched Ya Ni’s head. She was like the other Cloud Peak members who treated Ya Ni as a kid and not a puppet.

The twins were naturally here because Ye