Chapter 1034- Ice Crystal Path
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1034- Ice Crystal Path (Teaser)


Such sounds continued to ring. The umbrella-shaped metal objects launched by the chariots stabbed into the walls. Ye Zhongming was shocked to notice that he could feel the wall shaking. Moreover, the tremors quickly turned into intense vibrations.

“Stabbing Earthworms!”

Hong Xiang bit his teeth when he said those words.

“What do you mean?”

Ye Zhongming took a look. The attacks were proceeding orderly, and he didn’t have any orders to give. He heard Hong Xiang say a name, and he asked.

“Something that destroys the foundations of buildings.”

Hong Xiang could only explain this much. He didn’t know much about the theory behind this equipment but knew that the Posthumous People, called Stabbing Earthworms, focused on destroying the foundations of the walls.

Ye Zhongming nodded. He had never seen such a thing before but could sense it was amazing.

He knew how tough the Imperial City walls were. They were built with green stone and other materials. Even if Ye Zhongming freely attacked, there was nothing he could do.

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