Chapter 1031- Let light shine
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1031- Let light shine (Teaser)

“An equipment.” Hong Xiang defined this thing. This king continued, “A ranged weapon that can fire saint light.”

“Saint light?”

Ye Zhongming asked.

He didn’t believe in gods or saints. Saint light was probably just a type of light.

“It is a weapon that only a certain special job of Saint Light Hall can craft. The creator is a Light Monk.” Ling Kun continued from where Hong Xiang left off. Only then did the Posthumous people higher-ups recall that Ling Kun had the most understanding of Light Monks.

Ling Kun’s race had gone through two race extinction crises. Those two instances had something to do with the light monks. Or rather, they were the ones who attacked them.

Light Monks and Ling Kun’s tribe had a large-scale bloody conflict.

Naturally, the Posthumous people lost twice, but Ling Kun’s tribe had always been a super tribe. They were the strongest of the Posthumous people. The Light Monks were the core of each Saint Light Hall army, so when they battled Ling Kun’s tribe, the Posthumous people targeted them. They suffered heavy los