Chapter 1007- Enormous City
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1007- Enormous City

Cloud Peak’s arrival naturally attracted a lot of attention. Although they were also Asians, their faces were different.

Moreover, the battle squad was mostly girls, so it was tough not to attract attention. This squad also kept its green equipment; if not, it would have caused an uproar.

“The miracle that we created in these two years wouldn’t be my father and Jyanandra getting to level seven, but this city being built.”

Sheikha Saeed looked at the city. He wasn’t gloating when he said those words; he gave off a sincere feeling that was rare in the apocalypse.

In some areas, people with faith would be purer than those without.

“Do you see the high buildings there? Although ugly, they are purification pools that can heal injuries, mental health, and negative statuses.”

“That is a large piece of equipment; to get it, we fought a bunch of mutated beasts and sacrificed thousands of people.”

“There, where the high sand towers are, is the market. You probably can’t imagine how big the market is here, but there are ten thousand stores.”

“Here? No, no, no, this isn’t the market; this is just the normal trading stores on the sides of the road. The bigger factions and battle squads have great stuff there. As long as you have crystals, you can even buy Satan’s tears.”

“City wall. Right, those are the walls. My father built them himself. He is an Earth Elementalist and has magical powers. These walls are as tough as American warships.”

“I have to talk about this building. It is our temple. This place can purify the soul and cleanse your sins. I will always kneel here for a night when I return.”

“Hey friend, don’t look at me like that. I admit that I will commit sins, but I will repent.”

“Also, look at the highest building. That is the palace, the true palace which is where my father sleeps. I will stay there. You can’t imagine what it is like there.”

“Oh, there is another important place. Faith Guild is there beside the temple. You can give them any mission as long as you can pay. You can probably try your luck w

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