Chapter 83 - Scars & Anger
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The chains bound him like before and yanked him out of the world of flames, and this marked the end of Long Di’s bestowment of the runes of the Marrow Chapter.



Long Di emerged from the forge. The runic chains released him and flew back into the world of flames.

The main opening was now closed, and the forge dimmed slightly thereafter.

Uncle Tian Lu only used one hand to control the hammer, but his focus was now split, with part of it on Long Di.

It was the first time he saw Long Di’s body, and his earlier curiosity about Long Di’s circumstances hounded him.

“Little demon.”

“Don’t.” Long Di raised a hand to dismiss this question. “There is no shrink qualified to deal with this hot mess. Just leave it as is.”

There were no changes in Long Di’s expression or his tone, but they now carried weight in Uncle Tian Lu’s mind.

His eyes roamed the scars that covered Long Di’s body. These were not newly gained scars, these were something that followed him from his previous world.

They not only covered his spirit, but his body as well. His parents had realised this in his early years.

Back when his mother thought that her clumsy husband had hurt him when they saw something like a line on his body, they had been worried.

As he grew, more wounds appeared on his body, seemingly out of nowhere, driving his parents mad.

In reality, this was his spirit adapting to the world and the new body. Once it was fully settled, all the scars and injuries that scarred him mentally appeared on his body.

His parents didn’t know what to do at the time. They had spent a fortune hiring physicians and medical practitioners to fix whatever it was that was happening, but nothing worked.

What was even more ridiculous, was that some healers even went as far as to say that all these wounds and injuries were present from birth, and were most likely some birth defects.

Long Huangdi and Long Nuhuang wanted to kill the healers who brought this up, as they were sure that Long Di was not afflicted with this many wounds and scars at birth. Th

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