Chapter 175 - Yes
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With that, I looked back at the old demon, and a question I asked at the beginning reared its head once more.

To the chief elder who Lord Whiskers fought into a bisected cockroach, I asked this, “How are you still alive?”


That’s right, the old demon in the room taking a bath in a wooden basin and giving off a whole lotta rapey vibes was the chief elder, who was cut in half at the waist by Lord Whiskers.

“I’m not rapey in any way!” The chief elder suddenly bellowed.

“The heck are you on about?” Lond Di questioned.

The chief elder sniffled, “Don’t joke with me! I know you’re thinking of me being a dirty old rap—”

“Hold on,” Long Di couldn’t keep listening to this. “We’re getting off track here and I do NOT want to linger on your extra-curricular activities.”

“What extra-curricular activities are you pinning on me!?” the chief elder was curiously interested in Long Di’s thought process and what he thought of him.

“If this is what we’re going to be getting into, I’m leaving,” Long Di provided an ultimatum that caused the Chief Elder’s expression to change.

“Fine,” he finally gave up and brought their conversation back to its original track. “To answer your earlier question on how I’m still alive. It’s because I’m a Huoli Demon. We possess an incredible life force. So injuries such as loss of limbs, organ failure or things of the like don’t necessarily result in our death.”

“The elder who was in charge of the enforcement hall looked just like you and he died when I cut his head off,” Long Di explained.

The Chief Elder’s cheek twitched when he heard this. Though he was to remain cordial in front of Long Di, the death of a colleague still rubbed him the wrong way.

“Cutting off the head is a quick way to dispatch of us,” he said after a while.

Long Di nodded before looking for clarification by saying. “So you’re like a lesser cockroach.”

“Pfft! Ha!” Yaomu Shou blurted out a laugh before she covered her mouth to stifle herself.

Her shoulders shivered as she struggled to keep her composure. Normally, she wouldn’t care a

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Translator Notes

If anyone is wondering what is happening with the upload of chapters, allow me to explain. My phone is destroyed, yep destroyed, fully and completely. All as I landed a job, which means I have even less time than before. The laptop I'm using sucks and I cannot use it to check Discord or any other place where I normally lurk to tell you what's happening. The lack of time means I cannot send the chapters out as fast as I used to, so sorry about that. I was able to come home today and not fall asleep immediately, so I'm using the time now to get some chapters out. If you want to help, I would appreciate any donation through Patreon, since it's gonna take me weeks of working to get another phone. I wanna use it to get some chapters out while I'm on lunch or break at work.

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