Chapter 129.3 - The Chronicles Of Pebbles (Pt 2)
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Another World Trip: Journey with My Cat and an Otaku Loli Goddess Chapter 129.3 - The Chronicles Of Pebbles (Pt 2)

“Huh?” His mother was puzzled, but went silent so her son could continue.

Pebbles then spun a tale that was quite literally the story of his life.


Pebbles was an orphan, as he had no parents. His earliest memories were that of awakening inside a water-damaged cardboard box in an out-of-the-way alley. Thinking back on it, he had no idea how he survived back then, considering he had no mother to breastfeed him, but much like Long Di, his answer to that moment of realisation was… meh.

He had trouble surviving the streets as a street kitty. The other cats didn’t care if he starved and would steal whatever scraps he managed to get for himself. His street smarts developed, and he almost ended up in Juvie.

However, he was saved from that fate. One day, he was being chased by a cat catcher and was finally cornered. He had out-manoeuvred these cat catchers before, but apparently, his reputation preceded him and they came for him full force. He was about to be captured when a mysterious cat knocked out the person who was trying to catch him.

Pebbles was troubled by this act of goodwill as he had never experienced something like this before. He didn’t want to owe anybody and asked the cat what he wanted in return for saving his life.

This cat told him to address him only as his uncle and to follow him from that day on. No explanation was given about where he came from, who he was, or anything along those lines.

Pebbles always wanted to repay him, but that opportunity never came. About a week after that day, the true colours of that uncle came to light.

Every night, he came home drunk and high. Pebbles wasn’t sure what got him drunk, but he had a feeling his uncle was high on catnip. He could smell it on him.

Pebbles doesn’t remember exactly when the beatings started. Only that they took place and that they were the reasons why he had trouble sleeping at night.

This experience gave Pebbles a messed-up definition of love and care. After all, his uncle saved him, so he must care… right?

At the end of the day, wh

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